

The Shenju AI cloud photo frames has achieved mass production of more than 1 million equipment

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Since 2018, Juju Technology has been deeply cultivating the smart cloud photo frame market. As of press time, it has achieved mass production of 1000K + device smart cloud photo frames.

Share in real time

The smart cloud photo frame of Shenju allows users to send wonderful photos or videos to smart cloud photo frames anywhere in the world anytime, anywhere. The transmission speed is amazing, allowing users to experience the wonderful moments from their families in almost real time.

Cross-platform client support

At the same time, the smart cloud photo frame has fully supported the sending of photos and videos through iOS client, Android client and H5 client, so that users are no longer limited to devices, mobile phones and PCs want to send at any time.

iOS client APP(Biu Frame)

iOS client APP(Biu Frame)

Android client APP(Biu Frame)

Android client APP(Biu Frame)

Smarter AIOT devices

The Gathering Smart Cloud Photo Frame has evolved into a highly intelligent, AI (Artificial Intelligence)-integrated, easier-to-use AIOT device that makes it easy to share images with your family whether you travel to the end of the world or the Cape.

Smarter AIOT devices

Comprehensive coverage of cross-border e-commerce channels

In terms of market, among the many customers of Juju Technology, cross-border e-commerce has gradually become the main battlefield. Through Amazon.com, customers of Juju Smart Cloud Photo Frame have sold equipment to more than 160 countries and regions around the world. The US market accounts for more than 50%, and North America, South America, Europe and other regions have achieved very good market results.

More than 160 countries and regions in the world

More than 160 countries and regions in the world区

For more business details, please click   Smart cloud photo frame_ Biu Frame>>

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