照片,记录了我们生活的精彩瞬间,和我们留恋快乐。拼图,拼凑了想要被记住的时刻,创造意想不到的时刻和愉悦。绅聚科技推出了智能拼图相框:BiuFrame X。无需复杂操作,轻松对多张图片进行智能批量拼图!
智能相框是近来家居装饰设计的新宠,智能相框设计把智能化新技术融入到传统数码相框当中,可以说是通过技术改变家居装饰的新风情。 与传统相框相比,智能相框更加随心随意,更加方便,也更加智能化,等于给相框注入了生命,这也是智能相框风靡家居市场的最终原因。
绅聚科技于2021年底正式推出的云P3芯片,其作为全球首款将云技术和传统MP3方案结合、改造与升级的全新双核AI芯片,已经成功进入量产阶段。截止目前,批量出货已超百万颗 。
Since 2018, Juju Technology has been deeply cultivating the smart cloud photo frame market. As of press time, it has achieved mass production of 1000K + device smart cloud photo frames.
Shenju Technology's world's first BLE application solution using wireless power supply in June 2021, Shenju Technology successfully designed a prototype based on the Atmosic M3 SOC series energy harvesting technology. This application uses the radio frequency carrier signal in the environment to realize long-distance wireless power supply, so that BLE equipment can self sustain without a battery.
Shenjugroup Technology and its partner launched the world's lowest power wireless keyboard solution based on Atmosic's ATM2221 chip. Our solution is able to extend traditional wireless BLE keyboard life-time three longer, consumers would never ever need to worry about changing the battery.
In the always-connected workplace, keeping devices powered and ready for use is not just important, but critical—a dead battery is not just a hassle to replace, but can often create new problems in hardware, as well. And for IoT devices on construction sites, for instance, poor battery life in wearable sensors could be a safety hazard, as well.
Atmosic an innovator in ultra-low-power wireless technology for the Internet of Things (IoT), and SMK Electronics Corporation, a global designer and manufacturer of advanced OEM electronic components, today announced a strategic partnership to integrate Atmosic’s M3 system-on-chip (SoC) into a range of connected devices from SMK. These IoT solutions, which will include remote controls and sensors, integrate Atmosic’s Controlled Energy Harvesting, in addition to the company’s Lowest Power Radio and On-demand Wake-Up Receiver, to enable forever battery life and eliminate the need for battery replacement. SMK and Atmosic are also working on an IoT module integrated with the Atmosic M2 SoC for industrial and commercial IoT applications.
Atmosic’s slim, small design solves the battery problem and allows devices to communicate faster by taking energy from external RF radio frequencies into the environment. Developers can choose an approach that fits their design requirements for circuit size and number of components, design complexity, additional certification requirements, and time to market.